Sandie- Wire hair, long hair mix |
This little fluffy pup is now known as Sandie. She was owned by a lady with 7 cats and 8 kittens and another dachshund that bites everyone. Basically a cat lady with a couple of unhappy dachshunds. My husband, the local dog warden was at the SPCA and met this lady, the topic of dachshunds came up and she said she was thinking of getting rid of at least one of the dogs. When we met the dog she barked incessantly. I'm thinkin this is not going to work. The lady had been unable to house train the dogs, that wasn't what I was worried about, but if I couldn't touch her and all she did was bark that was a problem. So we took her in the backyard to meet Miss Peaches who we had brought with us. She's the alpha female, but no fireworks erupted. Then we put a leash on Sandie and she suddenly calmed down and became my dog, friendly, climbing up my leg, wanting so much to lick me. Okay, maybe there's a chance. So we brought her home and she's getting along with everyone. She loves to fetch the ball and is giving Spaatz a run for his money. House training is going well and I've found her to be a really happy, loving dog. She's officially a foster here now, we'll see. She's in desperate need of groceries, I can feel every bone in her body. I think she'll be about the size of the boys when we get her back to health. Dachshund's just need people who understand them.